Happy 5th Blog Birthday to Me

5 years ago, I was sitting in my SF apartment with David, longing to write about food again. And so, Dinner with David was born. We’ve been through a lot together! Thank you for being a part of it.


Technology has come a long way in 5 years!

A month before I started the blog, we had just purchased our very first iPhones, so the pictures in the early days were a little scary. I used a regular point-and-shoot for many meals, which required tedious uploading using a cord plugged into my laptop. The combination of iOS photo stream in the cloud, and Flickr’s iPhone app auto upload has changed everything! Not to mention Pinterest – a major source of inspiration and new readers.

I’ve cooked in 5 different kitchens in 5 years!

The size, lighting, appliances and age of my kitchens have evolved dramatically. From a tiny, modern shoe box in SF, where I didn’t even have an oven; to a Formica countered, fluorescent-lit cookie cutter apartment kitchen in Mountain View; to a larger, white-tiled 90s kitchen with wrap around counter in Santa Clara; to a lovely remodeled 80s townhouse with fancy appliances and lighting in Redwood City; to our turn-of-the-century, re-orchestrated down to every surface and fixture, midtown Sacramento kitchen that I anticipated for a whole year.

My favorite part of the whole thing – beyond having an outlet for creative self expression – is the feedback and suggestions I get from my readers. So keep ’em coming!

I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years holds in store…

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