Getting My Chicken in a Row

This week was incredibly busy, so boiling chicken saved me from dinnertime meltdown. Using advice from a friend, I added honey, salt and pepper to the water and went ahead and boiled it for over an hour. If you have this kind of time frame, the meat will literally fall off the bone.

Here’s what we did to get three nights of dinner out of the tender meat, in a matter of minutes:

  • Dinner #1 – Burritos with shredded chicken
  • Dinner #2 – Chicken with mashed potatoes (from the microwave)
  • Dinner #3 – Chicken with leftover mashed potatoes and sauteed mushrooms

If you need to save time (or your sanity), boil a whole chicken at the beginning of the week, then use your imagination with the leftovers. The microwave will be your friend!

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